Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Deities: Norse

Now some people within the Craft community believe that in order to be a "real" witch you have to do certain things etc. That is certainly not so! That being, it does not mean that you can't work with deities! Everyone's experience with their craft is different and has many influences.

As I have mentioned in previous posts I have been working with Hekate. As of late, I have gained an interest in Thor the Norse God of thunder which has once again piqued my interest in not only Norse Gods but others as well. This post though will be focussed on  Norse Deities.

Thor is the God of thunder lightning, fertility, and hallowing. Another claim to fame is that the weekday Thursday (Thor’s day) is named after him. He personifies strength and fertility and is depicted with red hair and a red beard. He is also most commonly known for carrying a hammer called Mjölnir (lightning).
Thor’s father is Odin, who is half-giant and the ruler of the Aesir gods. Thor's mother is Jord (known as Fjörgen in old Norse the earth goddess who is of giant ancestry). He is married to Sif, a golden-haired goddess with whom he fathered a daughter, Thrúd. He also has two sons, Magni & Modi with his lover, the giant Járnsaxa. His children were all associated with strength and braveness, embodying their father’s features.

Tarot Hacks

What It Means When You Keep Pulling The Same Suit!


  • The Mundane: You are focused on work or a hobby, or the search for either.

  • The Extraordinary: Passion will flood your life, in romance or career.

  • The Terrible: You will feel burdened by things that used to bring you joy.


  • The Mundane: You are focused on money or the lack of it. 

  • The Extraordinary: Material abundance is about to invade your life.

  • The Terrible: Constant financial difficulties will be your new reality.


  • The Mundane: You are focused on love or emotions, or the absence of either.

  • The Extraordinary: Love and bliss, in romance or at home, will engulf you.

  • The Terrible: You are about to suffer from depression & dissatisfaction. 


  • The Mundane: You are focused on mental pursuits; reading, studying, writing, etc.

  • The Extraordinary: All that is dark and confusing in your life will clear up.

  • The Terrible: Anxiety will soon cripple your soul and torment your mind. 

New Beginnings


Welcome, all to a new year! New Years are widely associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, learning new things, etc, etc. Take this time to do some of those things or even just reflect on the year that has passed. 2020 was, to say the least rather rough on everyone. Give yourself some leniency, be kind to yourself and others. Keep in mind each individual has coped with this past year in different ways and as long as it's healthy and safe, they are all valid. I hope everyone had a wonderful Yule and New Year! Down below will be a fun new year/new beginnings witchy thing to do!

A jar spell for money & prosperity:

Cinnamon: money, luck, success, prosperity

Marjoram: wealth, happiness, protection

Oregano: action, courage, energy

Basil: prosperity, success, wealth, happiness

Clove: prosperity, protection

Thyme: luck, prosperity, health

Something Gold: luck, prosperity, money

Feel free to leave out anything if you don't like it or don't have it. If you'd like to replace an item use rosemary as it acts as a substitute for pretty much everything.