Monday, June 14, 2021



    Affirmations might seem silly or insignificant at first to some but they truly hold power. To be more precise, they have power only if you give it to them! The person saying the affirmations must believe that they are true/will happen in order for it to become realized. I personally have come to a point in my practice that I believe using some personalized affirmations could really help me. Below will be the aforementioned affirmations that I will be working with for the foreseeable future. 

  1. Worth does not equate to beauty or perfection.
  2. I will be patient with myself in regards to my growth.
  3. I will allow myself the grace I give others.
  4. I recognize my abilities, struggles, & growth. 
  5. I acknowledge my power and strength. 
Feel free to use my affirmations as a template! Also, go ahead & comment and ask questions! I intend to be more active on here and on my Instagram @ jocylen_jay  

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