Monday, June 14, 2021



    Affirmations might seem silly or insignificant at first to some but they truly hold power. To be more precise, they have power only if you give it to them! The person saying the affirmations must believe that they are true/will happen in order for it to become realized. I personally have come to a point in my practice that I believe using some personalized affirmations could really help me. Below will be the aforementioned affirmations that I will be working with for the foreseeable future. 

  1. Worth does not equate to beauty or perfection.
  2. I will be patient with myself in regards to my growth.
  3. I will allow myself the grace I give others.
  4. I recognize my abilities, struggles, & growth. 
  5. I acknowledge my power and strength. 
Feel free to use my affirmations as a template! Also, go ahead & comment and ask questions! I intend to be more active on here and on my Instagram @ jocylen_jay  

Monday, June 7, 2021

Shadow work

 Shadow Work

Shadow work can be difficult to begin let alone actually get into. What is shadow work? It is spirituality work that allows you to integrate the aspect of your unconscious psyche into your conscious experience. This then lets the positive aspects of your "shadow self" express themselves and become a part of your everyday life. 

Why do we have "shadow selves"? 

Well, it all has to do with our environment growing up. It can be from trauma, parenting styles, comments from siblings or peers, influence from school, media, etc. We absorb so much when we are young, we are sponges, which can be really good, or really bad. 

A perfect example is body image. Society tells us that a certain body type is "good" or "right" or "has value and if you're not that certain type, you're either wrong, something is wrong with you, or you don't have value/worth. Which by the way is a load of crap. All bodies are the way they're supposed to be. Not only that but if you, and you alone want to make healthy changes to your body, that is for you to decide & do. 

This example can be used for pretty much anything! You're told growing up repeatedly that A is right and B-Z is wrong. If you're B-Z in any aspect, that's going to affect you and you'll subconsciously hide, change, or repress that part of you. 

This is not only unhealthy but traumatic and extremely unfair. Everyone goes through this to some degree and it's something that needs to be worked through. It can be extremely harrowing to do so as well. It can bring up painful things & cause realizations. 

Don't let this frighten you though. Shadow work is incredibly important but it is also a long haul. It's not something that can be started & finished, it's an ongoing growth process. People are forever changing throughout their lives so once you start you don't ever really stop your shadow work. That may seem daunting but it is completely worth it. 

Shadow work doesn't have to be heavy either! It can be super simple. Simply recognizing why you react to certain situations can be some light shadow work. Baby steps are not only suggested but highly recommended! Doing so will lead you to look back only a couple months and go 'wow, look at all that growth!' I've been there and it's an incredible feeling. Also, keep in mind that therapy can also be considered shadow work! So if you're already doing that, you're already on the right track!

Please feel free to comment, leave questions, etc.! Have a Blessed day!