Saturday, June 20, 2020


Here are some ideas for Midsummer/Litha!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Today is a period of time centered upon the summer solstice. Yellow, orange & red veggies represent the colors of the sun & the energy given to us on that day. Herbs such as mugwort, vervain, rose, honeysuckle, chamomile & more are used for ritualistic purposes, cooking, or for teas. Blessed Be!


  • Collect Herbs and Flowers

  • Make Sun Tea

  • Build a bonfire

  • Have a sunrise or sunset picnic 

  • Sunbathe

  • Midsummer bonfire (collect ashes) 

  • Leave out honey offerings for the Fae

  • Cleanse and charge your magical items under the sun

  • Watch the sunset on the longest day of the year

  • Sunflowers, mint, sage, lavender

  • Enjoy outside, throw a party, go on a walk, bike ride, go to the beach

In the Home:

  • Let in as much sunlight as you can

  • Make crystal or botanical suncatchers

  • Burn incense of sandalwood, frankincense, rose or myrrh

  • Try fire divination or scrying with the flames 

  • Make pressed flower candles

  • Seashell jewelry, god’s eye, summer wreaths

In the Kitchen:

In the Bath:

  • Soak in a golden honey bath

  • Scatter sunflowers through your bathwater

  • Bathe around fiery solar colored candles

  • Treat yourself to a chamomile Tea Bath

On your Altar:

  • Great time for harder or more intense rituals (at night is best)

  • Represent the sun using colors of yellow, orange or gold

  • Incorporate solar imagery

  • Decorate with green stones like jade or emerald

  • Try decorating with woods of oak and pine

  • Fae magic, hope spells, fire magick, love/sex spells, protection & hope spells

  • Use golden candle holders and decorations

  • Incorporate dried or fresh-picked herbs

  • Decorate alter (green, yellow, gold) 

  • Fruity & flowery incense

  • Sunstone, amber, calcite

Links for the things underlined:

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