Tuesday, January 31, 2023



    Imbolc, also known as St Brigid's day, is celebrated on February 1st & represents the beginning of spring. St Brigid's day has its roots as a Celtic festival of fertility that also marked the beginning of spring signaling an end to the darkness of winter.  

    Irish festivals are celebrated on the eve of the day because it is considered a liminal time, when the otherworld is very close so appeals for protection & blessings were extra effective. It is a considered a day to seek protection for family, home, crops & animals. 

    A meal on St Brigid’s Day consisted of potatoes and freshly churned butter. There was also usually chopped cabbage, apple cakes or barm brack followed with tea. Families would eat together and make their St Brigid’s crosses.

    So, what does a modern-day Imbolc/St Brigid's Day look like? Well, that depends on who you ask! Some probably prefer to keep it as traditional as possible while others make tweaks & others simply observe the day or make simple offerings.  

    Today people light bonfires and hold a feast (or just a meal) to honor Brigid. Some modern-day pagans focus on celebrating Brigid herself. They do so by setting up an altar with the symbols of Brigid, such as a corn husk doll, white flowers, a bowl of milk, and candles.

    Colors associated with the day are white, red, pink & black. Foods for the day are baked goods, winter vegetables, seeds, dried fruit, butter, milk, cheese, lamb & mutton. Stones that are related to Imbolc are amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby & turquoise. Symbols linked to Brigid's day are candles, cauldrons, chalice, cow, sheep & swans. Flowers/plants for the day are snowdrops, angelica, basil, bay laurel & celandine. Other deities associated with Imbolc are Aphrodite, Eros & Hestia.

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day! 

Friday, December 30, 2022

New Year


    While the New Year is not inherently pagan or witchcraft related, you can use it to your advantage! Most people already view it as a time to turn over a new leaf, start a new habit, hobby, job, etc. 

    Something I learned while doing some research is that for those who are Wiccan (& some who aren't) view Samhain as the new year while others use the winter solstice as such. Even so, 'traditional' New Years is widely celebrated on January 1st. 

    Regardless of when you celebrate, there is a lot you can do to do so! Something super simple most people already do is to set goals for the new year. Setting goals, putting them into action & believing you can make them come true is a good example of manifesting. Keep in mind that you can have a mantra you say every day but if you don't have any action behind it, there won't be as much energy towards it. 

    Cleaning your space is another good one! Both physically & energy wise, get rid of stuff you don't use or need anymore. Donate or sell old clothes & shoes and cleanse your space. It doesn't have to be a deep clean, just organize a desk even. Don't forget that when you cleanse to have a door or window open so negative or stagnate energy can leave. 

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas or Paganism? pt. 2


    Since the last post was more focused on Christmas, this one will be more focused on Yule & its traditions. For example, Yule is often compared to Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday celebrated around the solstice. Saturnalia was a jovial time of merrymaking where many social norms were inverted, such as gambling but not for money but nuts to recreate the golden age of Saturn. 

    Other traditions were to appoint a mock king or "Lord of Misrule" to reign over the household & give silly orders to shout embarrassing insults, dance naked & chase people around the house, & give gifts. Drinking parties were also rather big around this time of year, usually with wine that had honey & or spices in a bowl to be served in cups to those attending.

Candles & oil lamps were popular Saturnalia gifts because during the dark days around the solstice they were reminders of the return of the sun after winter. This particular fact I personally found extremely interesting because candles are still a very popular gift to give around this time!

In doing research for this time of year I enjoyed learning that certain aspects of it are pulled from different times, people, & reasonings. The colors of the season, the drinking, the gift giving, all come from different places and its extremely interesting to look into. 

This is a very in-depth topic so I doubt I will be done delving into it for quite some time. Even so for now I will bring it to a close & look forward to the upcoming year & the celebrations to come. 

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day! 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Is it Christmas or Paganism?

Christmas 'vs' Paganism

For what seems like forever when December rolls around this debate pops up year after year! Let's dive in and see what's different, the same, & where it all stems from. 

According to the dictionary Christmas is "the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church". As someone who was raised in a holiday only Christian church going family, I know that even within that definition every family's Christmas looks slightly different. Obviously, people have family traditions, personal preferences, etc. that all factor into it all. But for the sake of brevity, we'll focus on the general components on both sides. 

The etymology of Christmas is 'Christian Mass' which is shortened from "Christ's Mass". It is considered a time of spiritual reflection for those within the faith & is fundamental to most. In modern times, a lot goes into what people consider Christmas. Colors seen around this time are commonly red, green, gold & sometimes even silver. Red is to represent the blood of Jesus, green is eternal life, gold is royalty which was gifted by one of the three magi. 

The Christmas tree was first popularized in Germany in the 16th century, the star on top representing the star of Bethlehem.  

According to Wikipedia, "The Christmas tree is considered by some as Christianization of pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of evergreen boughs, and an adaptation of pagan tree worship; according to eighth-century biographer Æddi StephanusSaint Boniface (634–709), who was a missionary in Germany, took an ax to an oak tree dedicated to Thor and pointed out a fir tree, which he stated was a more fitting object of reverence because it pointed to heaven and it had a triangular shape, which he said was symbolic of the Trinity. The English language phrase 'Christmas tree' is first recorded in 1835 and represents an importation from the German language."

So, what does Yule mean? Unfortunately, it is oversimplified by some & describe as "archaic term for Christmas". Others know it was the Winter Solstice which is the longest night of the year & represents the return of the light. From that date onward, the days get longer until the Summer Solstice. Yule is also known as a time to reflect & turn inward but is also about focusing on hearth & home. 

Some traditions that come along with Yule are a Yule tree, Yule log, making wassail (a form of ale), hanging mistletoe (which represents fertility of the goddess & the seed of the Oak King), and many others. 

As there is so much that both holidays entail, I'll be making a couple posts comparing them both. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so I look forward to more research & sharing my findings with you all. 

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day!

Witchcraft & Guilt

 The Struggle is Real!

There's a stigma in the witchcraft community about routine, consistency, and progression. Some believe that a consistent routine & constantly doing spells, research, etc. are a must or 'you're doing it wrong'. Which is absolutely untrue everyone's practice is different, from those is closed practices, open, even region to region in a country, state, province, etc. Even people's schedules can get in the way whether its school, work, family, or all of the above it can interfere with their practice. And sometimes people just forget or don't have the energy to do anything craft related after a long day. 

This can lead to those us of who struggle to keep up with their craft guilt & shame. Such feelings can make us want to push off continuing our practices even more. It's a catch 22 & a vicious cycle that is extremely hard to break. 

A whole other aspect of all of this is those of us who are neurodivergent & or disabled. Such things can make it seem impossible to keep up with our practices. This is something that a lot of people tend to forget especially those in the community that aren't neurodivergent or disabled. Which is common for this world no matter what we're discussing of course, but all we can do as a community is do our best, acknowledge our mistakes, correct them, learn & move on to do better than before! 

Ok, so how do we overcome this guilt/shame? Well of course there is no one blanket fix all because everyone is different. One thing I can say that will speak to everyone is to be kind to yourself, be patient, and find what works & makes you happy! It may take some time, but that's ok everyone's path is different. Also don't be afraid to reach out to others if you find someone within the community you connect & feel comfortable with. 

This is something that I've wanted to talk on for quite some time now & thought that now after my unintentional hiatus would be a perfect time. Feel free to & comment and ask questions! I intend to be more active on here and on my Instagram @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day!

Unintentional Hiatus


I have been extremely busy with life, family, school, relationships, etc. since I last posted. I am proud to say that I finally in a position to get back into a routine of not only working on this blog but my craft once again. I look forward to growing my craft and in turn this, as well as my other platforms. I hope to get more interactions on here from my Instagram following. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Monday, June 14, 2021



    Affirmations might seem silly or insignificant at first to some but they truly hold power. To be more precise, they have power only if you give it to them! The person saying the affirmations must believe that they are true/will happen in order for it to become realized. I personally have come to a point in my practice that I believe using some personalized affirmations could really help me. Below will be the aforementioned affirmations that I will be working with for the foreseeable future. 

  1. Worth does not equate to beauty or perfection.
  2. I will be patient with myself in regards to my growth.
  3. I will allow myself the grace I give others.
  4. I recognize my abilities, struggles, & growth. 
  5. I acknowledge my power and strength. 
Feel free to use my affirmations as a template! Also, go ahead & comment and ask questions! I intend to be more active on here and on my Instagram @ jocylen_jay  

Monday, June 7, 2021

Shadow work

 Shadow Work

Shadow work can be difficult to begin let alone actually get into. What is shadow work? It is spirituality work that allows you to integrate the aspect of your unconscious psyche into your conscious experience. This then lets the positive aspects of your "shadow self" express themselves and become a part of your everyday life. 

Why do we have "shadow selves"? 

Well, it all has to do with our environment growing up. It can be from trauma, parenting styles, comments from siblings or peers, influence from school, media, etc. We absorb so much when we are young, we are sponges, which can be really good, or really bad. 

A perfect example is body image. Society tells us that a certain body type is "good" or "right" or "has value and if you're not that certain type, you're either wrong, something is wrong with you, or you don't have value/worth. Which by the way is a load of crap. All bodies are the way they're supposed to be. Not only that but if you, and you alone want to make healthy changes to your body, that is for you to decide & do. 

This example can be used for pretty much anything! You're told growing up repeatedly that A is right and B-Z is wrong. If you're B-Z in any aspect, that's going to affect you and you'll subconsciously hide, change, or repress that part of you. 

This is not only unhealthy but traumatic and extremely unfair. Everyone goes through this to some degree and it's something that needs to be worked through. It can be extremely harrowing to do so as well. It can bring up painful things & cause realizations. 

Don't let this frighten you though. Shadow work is incredibly important but it is also a long haul. It's not something that can be started & finished, it's an ongoing growth process. People are forever changing throughout their lives so once you start you don't ever really stop your shadow work. That may seem daunting but it is completely worth it. 

Shadow work doesn't have to be heavy either! It can be super simple. Simply recognizing why you react to certain situations can be some light shadow work. Baby steps are not only suggested but highly recommended! Doing so will lead you to look back only a couple months and go 'wow, look at all that growth!' I've been there and it's an incredible feeling. Also, keep in mind that therapy can also be considered shadow work! So if you're already doing that, you're already on the right track!

Please feel free to comment, leave questions, etc.! Have a Blessed day!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Deities: Celtic



    Cernunnos (Cair-NUH-nos) has Celtic origins and unfortunately does not have too much information on him. He is also known as The Horned God and The Green Man. There are also a variety of horned Gods which have been found from the Gallo-Roman period most of which were in eastern Gaul as well as among the Celtiberians. He is depicted with antlers, typically seated cross-legged and associated with stags, horned serpents, dogs, bulls, and rats. Cernunnos can also be seen depicted wearing or holding a torc, also spelled torq or torque. A torc is a stiff neck ring made of metal typically twisted together. Most are open while some had clasps. Torcs are found in the Scythian, Illyrian, Thracian, Celtic, and a few other cultures of the European Iron Age (from around 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD). This certainly does help to confirm that Cernunnos's origins are Celtic. 

Deities: Irish


The Morrigan

    The Morrigan is of Irish origin and has quite a few other names such as Morrigu. Mór-Ríoghain in modern Irish can be translated to "great queen" or "phantom queen". She is associated with war, fate, death, or victory in battle, and the land and animals, particularly livestock. She has an affinity for all things living. She watches over all living things and protects them. She cares for the prosperity of the land and (when it is conceived as a political unit) its security against external forces. She can be seen as acting as a goddess of sovereignty, not necessarily war as she is a guardian of (a) territory and its people. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Deities: Norse

Now some people within the Craft community believe that in order to be a "real" witch you have to do certain things etc. That is certainly not so! That being, it does not mean that you can't work with deities! Everyone's experience with their craft is different and has many influences.

As I have mentioned in previous posts I have been working with Hekate. As of late, I have gained an interest in Thor the Norse God of thunder which has once again piqued my interest in not only Norse Gods but others as well. This post though will be focussed on  Norse Deities.

Thor is the God of thunder lightning, fertility, and hallowing. Another claim to fame is that the weekday Thursday (Thor’s day) is named after him. He personifies strength and fertility and is depicted with red hair and a red beard. He is also most commonly known for carrying a hammer called Mjölnir (lightning).
Thor’s father is Odin, who is half-giant and the ruler of the Aesir gods. Thor's mother is Jord (known as Fjörgen in old Norse the earth goddess who is of giant ancestry). He is married to Sif, a golden-haired goddess with whom he fathered a daughter, Thrúd. He also has two sons, Magni & Modi with his lover, the giant Járnsaxa. His children were all associated with strength and braveness, embodying their father’s features.

Tarot Hacks

What It Means When You Keep Pulling The Same Suit!


  • The Mundane: You are focused on work or a hobby, or the search for either.

  • The Extraordinary: Passion will flood your life, in romance or career.

  • The Terrible: You will feel burdened by things that used to bring you joy.


  • The Mundane: You are focused on money or the lack of it. 

  • The Extraordinary: Material abundance is about to invade your life.

  • The Terrible: Constant financial difficulties will be your new reality.


  • The Mundane: You are focused on love or emotions, or the absence of either.

  • The Extraordinary: Love and bliss, in romance or at home, will engulf you.

  • The Terrible: You are about to suffer from depression & dissatisfaction. 


  • The Mundane: You are focused on mental pursuits; reading, studying, writing, etc.

  • The Extraordinary: All that is dark and confusing in your life will clear up.

  • The Terrible: Anxiety will soon cripple your soul and torment your mind. 

New Beginnings


Welcome, all to a new year! New Years are widely associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, learning new things, etc, etc. Take this time to do some of those things or even just reflect on the year that has passed. 2020 was, to say the least rather rough on everyone. Give yourself some leniency, be kind to yourself and others. Keep in mind each individual has coped with this past year in different ways and as long as it's healthy and safe, they are all valid. I hope everyone had a wonderful Yule and New Year! Down below will be a fun new year/new beginnings witchy thing to do!

A jar spell for money & prosperity:

Cinnamon: money, luck, success, prosperity

Marjoram: wealth, happiness, protection

Oregano: action, courage, energy

Basil: prosperity, success, wealth, happiness

Clove: prosperity, protection

Thyme: luck, prosperity, health

Something Gold: luck, prosperity, money

Feel free to leave out anything if you don't like it or don't have it. If you'd like to replace an item use rosemary as it acts as a substitute for pretty much everything.