Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas or Paganism? pt. 2


    Since the last post was more focused on Christmas, this one will be more focused on Yule & its traditions. For example, Yule is often compared to Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday celebrated around the solstice. Saturnalia was a jovial time of merrymaking where many social norms were inverted, such as gambling but not for money but nuts to recreate the golden age of Saturn. 

    Other traditions were to appoint a mock king or "Lord of Misrule" to reign over the household & give silly orders to shout embarrassing insults, dance naked & chase people around the house, & give gifts. Drinking parties were also rather big around this time of year, usually with wine that had honey & or spices in a bowl to be served in cups to those attending.

Candles & oil lamps were popular Saturnalia gifts because during the dark days around the solstice they were reminders of the return of the sun after winter. This particular fact I personally found extremely interesting because candles are still a very popular gift to give around this time!

In doing research for this time of year I enjoyed learning that certain aspects of it are pulled from different times, people, & reasonings. The colors of the season, the drinking, the gift giving, all come from different places and its extremely interesting to look into. 

This is a very in-depth topic so I doubt I will be done delving into it for quite some time. Even so for now I will bring it to a close & look forward to the upcoming year & the celebrations to come. 

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day! 

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