Friday, December 30, 2022

New Year


    While the New Year is not inherently pagan or witchcraft related, you can use it to your advantage! Most people already view it as a time to turn over a new leaf, start a new habit, hobby, job, etc. 

    Something I learned while doing some research is that for those who are Wiccan (& some who aren't) view Samhain as the new year while others use the winter solstice as such. Even so, 'traditional' New Years is widely celebrated on January 1st. 

    Regardless of when you celebrate, there is a lot you can do to do so! Something super simple most people already do is to set goals for the new year. Setting goals, putting them into action & believing you can make them come true is a good example of manifesting. Keep in mind that you can have a mantra you say every day but if you don't have any action behind it, there won't be as much energy towards it. 

    Cleaning your space is another good one! Both physically & energy wise, get rid of stuff you don't use or need anymore. Donate or sell old clothes & shoes and cleanse your space. It doesn't have to be a deep clean, just organize a desk even. Don't forget that when you cleanse to have a door or window open so negative or stagnate energy can leave. 

Feel free to & comment and ask questions! Check out my Instagram too @ jocylen_jay Have a blessed day! 

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