Saturday, May 30, 2020


Bibliomancy is a rather simple practice in most cases it's the bible, but it really can be any book. In the practice of witchcraft, it can be your favorite book, a specific craft book, your own book of shadows, or really anything that you want! 

How to do it?

All you have to do is ask a question, out loud or in your head is up to you, and then open the chosen book at a random page. The answer to your question is either the first word or paragraph. Now it might not completely make sense due to that randomness of the page. So feel free to try and read between the lines & try and figure out how it pertains to your question.

Reading Tea Leaves

How to read tea leaves:

  1. You should drink the contents of your cup, leaving about a teaspoon of liquid in the cup.

  2. Take the cup by the handle in your left hand and silently ask your question or ask for guidance about your future.

  3. Swirl your cup three times in a counter-clockwise direction.

  4. Carefully invert your cup over the saucer, leaving it there for about a minute so all the liquid can drain away.

  5. Carefully turn your cup up the right way. 

Where the leaves are in the cup means something!

The Handle

  • The handle represents you or the person who is receiving the reading.

  • Traditionally, the tea leaves are read starting at the handle and moving clockwise around the cup.

  • Any tea leaf shapes or groups that are close to the handle describe things presently affecting the person having the reading. It might indicate something on the person’s mind or events they are experiencing.

  • Anything to the left of the handle is the past and is leaving the person’s life.

  • Anything to the right of the handle is the present and immediate future.

The Bowl of the Cup

  • Symbols near the rim and the top third of the cup will occur quickly, usually within days.

  • Symbols in the middle third of the cup are in the near future, usually a couple of weeks.

  • The bottom third and base of the cup are in the more distant future, possibly a month away.

  • In all three cases, the closer the symbols are to the handle, the sooner they will occur.


  • It’s usually best to start with the largest shapes and work down to the smallest.

  • The more shapes there are in a cup, the more the important phase of life the questioner is experiencing.

  • Look to see if the shapes are spread out evenly throughout the cup or if they are concentrated in one of the sections.

  • Keep a journal of your tea leaf readings. You may want to write things down as you go through your reading, noting both the shapes and your interpretation. The more details you add the better. You can then go back over your reading at a later time to see how accurate you were. Make notes of what did happen. See what you can learn to help you in future tea leaf readings. 

I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be!


Here are some ideas on how to help you ground yourself! Feel free to use these if you'd like. 

1. Go on a walk or do anything physical. This is hands down, one of my favorite ways to reconnect with myself and stay grounded! Exercise is great because you focus and connect with your physical body while expending excess energy at the same time.

2. Have sex. Intimacy not only brings you close to your partner, but it also brings you into the present moment. This (and most physical activities) releases endorphins — AKA the natural pain reliever! So you will get wind up feeling not only grounded but ready to take on what’s next. 

3. Soak your feet in warm water. How good does that sound right now? I may have to hop in on this action. Add some Epsom salts, Himalayan sea salt, and/or a couple of drops of essential oils to really amp things up.

4. Walk outside barefoot. I’m serious — get out there! When is the last time you put your feet in the grass and really felt the earth? When we were kids, we did this all the time. And weren’t we much more grounded back then? So kick off your shoes and talk a walk outside.

5. Do anything outside. While you’re out there, feeling the grass beneath your toes, just stay. The warmth of the sun, the fresh air, nature… it all adds up to a pretty grounded spirit. So, sit in the sun. Or, grab a hammock. If you can do yoga outside – even better!

6. Hug a tree. This is literally taking nature by the trunk and saying — give me your energy! And hey, it works. Take a few deep breaths and just be with the earth. Allow yourself to connect with the earth.

7. Get gardening. This is the same concept of walking barefoot on the earth — so you have to ditch those garden gloves and put your hands in the dirt. It also gets you active and moving, just like cleaning, so your brain becomes more engaged and grounded. 

8. Meditate. Meditation is wonderful for just about anything, and spiritual grounding is no exception. To start, sit upright in a comfy chair with your feet planted on the floor (this part is important for grounding). Imagine your feet have roots (like a tree) and are anchoring themselves deep into the earth. Breathe and allow yourself to be balanced. 

I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be! 

Full Moon

Hi, there fellow witches! If you didn't know already this Friday is a full moon that is also called a Strawberry moon due to the pink/reddish color it will have. Below are some ideas for what you can do for this full moon. 


One thing that you can do is cleanse! You can cleanse your space, your body, your home, your crystals, etc. There tends to be a build-up of both light & dark energies around full moons so cleansing is a good idea. I have a post for some cleansing tips if you need some ideas but feel free to cleanse how you want!

Moon Water!

Another thing to do is to make some moon water! Literally, all you have to do is put a container of water on like a window sill to have it sit in the moonlight. Some witches use rainwater some use bottled or filtered water so they can drink it. Once again it's totally up to you as an individual. (Or if you're in a coven and they use what you don't feel free to have a portable little thing of your own.)


You can charge your crystals the same way you make moon water! Have them sit in a spot so they can get all that wonderful moonlight. You can also charge crystals in some salt, a common one I've seen is the pink Himalayan salt. I tend to just sprinkle a bit on or around each crystal. Others put them in a little bin with the salt on the bottom. You can also put some on top too!


Go ahead and meditate. Chill out in your room, next to your altar/sacred place, outside or where ever really! Full moons represent new beginnings so meditate & get rid of any negativity.


Another thing that you can do to get rid of some pent up energy (whether you're restless or frustrated)out is dance dance dance! Move your body, it doesn't have to be choreographed just wiggle around.

I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be! 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Essential Oils & How They Help

The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy book I recommended in an earlier post has been very helpful for me! This post will put the essential oils mentioned in the book into four categories (which I created) listed below.

  1. Sun symbol: energizer, restorer, strengthening & healer

  2. Squares symbol: decongestive, easy breather, warming tonic, tranquilizer, antiseptic tonic, woody antiseptic & first aider

  3. Triangle symbol: balancer, regulator & hormone balancer

  4. Wave symbol: soother, relaxant, childhood soother, pain reliever, heaven scent & lover’s enjoyment

  1. Basil Oil, Bay Laurel Oil, Cajuput Oil, Frankincense Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Lemon, Myrrh Oil, Neroli, Niaouli, Patchouli Oil, Peppermint Oil, Petitgrain, Pine Oil & Rosemary Oil.  
  2. Benzoin Oil, Black Pepper Oil, Cedarwood Oil (Virginian), Cinnamon Oil, Citronella Oil, Cypress Oil, Eucalyptus Oil (Globulus), Juniper Berry Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Orange Oil, Patchouli Oil, Ravensara Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Thyme & Vetiver. 
  3. Bergamot Oil, Geranium Oil, Lavender Oil, Melissa Oil, Myrtle Oil, Palmarosa Oil & Rosewood Oil.
  4. Chamomile Oil (Roman), Clary Sage Oil, Jasmine Oil, Mandarin Oil, Marjoram Oil, Rose Otto Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Vanilla & Ylang-Ylang Oil.  

For more information, refer to the book mentioned not only above but in my "Recommended Books!" post. I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be! 

Need Something Specific?

If you need a certain attribute here are some plants & herbs you can use! 
  1. Abundance: Arnica

  2. Balance: Heather

  3. Banishing negative energy: Lilac, Snapdragon

  4. Beauty: Amaryllis, Pentas, Wolf’s Bane

  5. Clairvoyance: Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace

  6. Communication: Datura (with Deities), Foxglove (with Fae), Pansy

  7. Courage: Geranium, King Protea

  8. Creativity: King Protea

  9. Divination: Chicory, Damiana, Datura, Hibiscus, Pansy, Poppy, Rose

  10. Dreams: Calendula (psychic dreams), Dandelion, Datura, Poppy

  11. Energy: Carnation, Sunflower (sun energy)

  12. Exorcism: Angelica, Dandelion, Datura, Henbane, Lilac

  13. Fertility: Daffodil, Damiana, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Myrtile, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Sunflower

  14. Friendship: Hydrangea, Passion Flower

  15. Happiness: Calendula, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Pansy, Scarlet Pimpernel, Sunflower, Tulip

  16. Harmony: Gardenia, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet

  17. Healing: Arnica, Angelica, Calendula, Carnation, Chicory, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Vervain

  18. Hope: Daisy, Violet

  19. Innocence: Daisy, Freesia

  20. Invisibility: Poppy, Wolf’s Bane

  21. Joyfulness: Birds of Paradise

  22. Love: Buttercup, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Datura, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Hibiscus, Hyachint, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Pansy, Pentas, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow Flower

  23. Luck: Carnation, Chicory, Daffodil, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Poppy, Violet

  24. Lust: Damiana, Heather, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace

  25. Marriage: Buttercup, Yarrow Flower

  26. Money: Bergamot, Chamomile, Honeysuckle

  27. Passion: Chamomile, Passion Flower, Rose

  28. Patience: Aster

  29. Peace: Gardenia, Iris, Lavender, Passion Flower, Poppy, Violet

  30. Pleasure: Sweet Pea

  31. Prosperity: Jasmine, Poppy

  32. Protection:  Angelica, Arnica, Carnation, Datura, Dogwood, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Lilac, Lily, Marigold, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Snapdragon, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Wolf’s Bane

  33. Psychic Ability: Arnica, Calendula, Damiana, Orchid, Rose, Moonflower

  34. Purification: Chicory, Dandelion, Lavender

  35. Relaxation: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Vervain

  36. Removal of Curses/Breaking Hexes: Chicory, Datura, Hydrangea, Lily

  37. Second sight: Henbane, Queen Anne’s Lace, Scarlet Pimpernel

  38. Sensuality: Heather

  39. Sexuality: Damiana, Foxglove

  40. Sleep: Chamomile, Elderflower, Linden, Poppy, Violet

  41. Spirit: Arnica (keeps unwanted spirits at bay), Bergamot (lifts spirit), Dandelion (summoning spirits), Heather (conjuring spirits), Honeysuckle

  42. Spirituality: Jasmine, Queen Anne’s Lace, Rose

  43. Strength: Carnation, Chicory

  44. Success: Bergamot, Chicory, Sunflower

  45. Tranquility: Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet

  46. Transformation: Datura, King Protea, Moonflower, Scarlet Pimpernel

  47. Vision: Angelica, Damiana, Datura

  48. Vitality: Carnation

  49. Wealth: Elderflower, Honeysuckle, Jasmine

  50. Wisdom: Henbane

Flowers of the Months

  • January: carnations (bestows energy, healing) & snowdrops(symbolizes new beginnings)

  • February: violet (love, protection) & primrose (protection, love)

  • March: daffodil (fertility, love)

  • April: sweet pea (friendship, strength), daisy (love), lily (keeps negative influences away {White symbolizes the archangel Gabriel})

  • May: lily of the valley (perks you up, lifts your spirits) & hawthorn (fertility, happiness, good luck in fishing) 

  • June: rose (love) & honeysuckle (prosperity)

  • July: larkspur (health, protection), water lily (healing, emotions, psychic powers {use it in water spells/rituals})

  • August: gladiola (ending relationships, ending situations) & poppy (luck, prosperity) 

  • September: morning glory (can be used in binding spells, peace, happiness) & aster (can be used in love spells)

  • October: calendula (strength, healing, justice)

  • November: chrysanthemum (protection, protects you from negativity)

  • December: paperwhite narcissus (good wishes, faithfulness & respect)

Colors & Correspondences

  • Black & Burgundy: The Crone, banishing, breaking hexes & removing negativity

  • Blue: Element of water, healing, sleep & peace

  • Brown & Beige: Home, stability & pets

  • Green: The God, element of Earth, fairies, healing, money, luck & fertility

  • Pink: Friendship, children, affection & love

  • Purple: Power, psychic abilities & passion

  • Red: The Mother, element of fire, lust, love, sex, healing & protection

  • White: The Maiden, all-purpose, purification, protection & moon magick

  • Yellow: Element of air, wisdom, mental powers & divination

  • Orange: Energy, vitality & success

Botany: Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber Officinale)

Ginger Rhizome- (Zingiber Officinale)

  • Known as an antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, carminative and warming agent

  • Relieves intestinal gas, bloating and menstrual cramps

  • Assists in lessening morning sickness, motion sickness, and postoperative nausea

  • Can improve arthritis when consumed regularly

  • Whether fresh or dried ginger can relieve a sore throat and fend off cold viruses

Safety- During pregnancy do not exceed doses of 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of dried ginger a day. Doses greater than 3 grams of dried ginger may interact with blood-thinning/anticoagulant 

medications and may cause digestive upset or heartburn.

Botany: Dong Quai Root (Angelica Sinensis)

Dong Quai Root- (Angelica Sinensis)

  • Tonic for those with fatigue, low vitality & those recovering from illness

  • Relieves pelvic pain

  • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle

  • Anti-inflammatory analgesic and antispasmodic activity

Safety- This plant should not be used by those who are pregnant, breast-feeding, heavy menstrual cycles or those with breast cancer.

Botany: Chamomile (Matricaria recutita & Chamaemelum nobile)

Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria recutita & Chamaemelum nobile)

  • calms nerves

  • eases gut spasms

  • soothes inflammations of the skin and gastrointestinal

  • relieves infant colic when given with fennel seed and lemon balm

  • chamomile extracts alleviate childhood eczema 

  • lessens anxiety & depressive symptoms

Safety- German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is safe to use while pregnant or breast-feeding. Roman chamomile should not be used during pregnancy. No chamomile should be used in or around eyes. Although rare allergic reactions have occurred with both internal and topical use.

Moon Magic

What to do at different times in the Moon Cycle:

New Moon: This is the very beginning of the lunar cycle and a good time for dreaming of what you wish to create in your life. Traditionally, magic aimed at initiating new projects and ventures is favored at this time, but anything involving attracting or increasing what you desire is appropriate.

Waxing Moon: This phase is the ideal time for taking action in the direction of our goals—actually beginning, on the physical plane, the projects we’ve intended for on the spiritual plane. The energy here is one of action and projecting our intentions outward into the Universe. 

Full Moon: This is the most powerful phase of the entire lunar cycle. Many Witches find that the day of the Full Moon is the most magically potent day of the month, and may save spellwork related to particularly important goals for this occasion. Any and all magical purposes are favored during a Full Moon ritual.

Waning Moon: This is the time to release the energy of outward action, and align with the energy of inward reflection. Eliminating negative energies and experiences is the predominant magical goal now, so spellwork aimed at overcoming obstacles, resolving conflicts, and removing causes of illness is appropriate.

Dark Moon: In the days just before the New Moon, many Witches refrain from actively working magic, choosing instead to refresh their energy for the next waxing phase. However, many others find the Dark Moon to be the best time for magic related to closure, or bringing things full circle. There is a destructive potential to the energy now that can be harnessed for releasing any karmic patterns that crop up again and again in your life, such as those related to lack, abandonment, betrayal, etc.

How to Make & Use Sigils

Sigil magic can be fun but for some, it can be frustrating. I'm going to do my best to try and help you all out! 

First, write out a saying that you want to manifest. It'll make it easier if it's a shorter phrase with only a few words. For example, "May I excel in my studies." 

Now here is where some directions for sigils diverge. Some say to cross out repeating vowels and others say to cross out all repeating letters. It is up to you on which one you want to do. For example's sake, I'm just going to eliminate all repeating letters. (This is my preferred method.)

Ok! So for the phrase, I picked out above we're going to go ahead & cross out all the repeating letters. In this case, the remaining letters are, a, x, l, n, t, u & d. 

So once you have your remaining letters go ahead and play around with them on a piece of paper until you're satisfied. Most witches overlap the letters and move them around until they're happy with it. Don't worry about trying to make it perfect just go with your instincts!

Once you have your sigil you have a variety of options on what to do with it! If it's a protection or charm sigil place it around your house or on your favorite knick-knack, etc. I've also heard of some making 'hidden to all by my eye' for their Book of Shadows, their journals, and so on for things you want to keep hidden. If your sigil is for binding or banishing (or anything of the like) you can burn it, tear it, bury it, whatever you feel is best for ridding yourself of the thing. Pretty much just destroy & get rid of whatever may remain. 

The sigil won't come into effect right away, like all magic it can take some time to manifest. Also keep in mind that you can do a billion spells a day, but if you don't put in the effort in your everyday life it won't happen. For example, the example phrase, you can do the sigil 10 times but if you don't study, you won't succeed in your studies (whether they be traditional school studies or your craft). The power from it comes from your faith that it'll work and you're efforts. 

I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming

Here are some lists of different things to help with both astral projection and lucid dreaming. Happy crafting fellow witches! Blessed Be.


  • Albite


  • Mugwort

  • Wild Asparagus

Essential Oils

  • Mugwort

Lucid Dreaming

Here are some lists of different things to help with lucid dreaming. Happy crafting fellow witches! Blessed Be.


  • Angel Phantom Quartz

  • Danburite

  • Herkimer Diamond

  • Lazulite

  • Moonstone

  • Rhodonite

  • Scolecite


  • African Dream Bean

  • Blue Lotus

  • Datura

  • Mexican Dream Bean

  • Valerian Root

Essential Oils

  • Lavender

  • Patchouli

  • Rose


  • Chicken

  • Kidney Beans

  • Lamb

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Soybeans

  • Tofu

  • Turkey


  • Opium