Friday, May 29, 2020

Moon Magic

What to do at different times in the Moon Cycle:

New Moon: This is the very beginning of the lunar cycle and a good time for dreaming of what you wish to create in your life. Traditionally, magic aimed at initiating new projects and ventures is favored at this time, but anything involving attracting or increasing what you desire is appropriate.

Waxing Moon: This phase is the ideal time for taking action in the direction of our goals—actually beginning, on the physical plane, the projects we’ve intended for on the spiritual plane. The energy here is one of action and projecting our intentions outward into the Universe. 

Full Moon: This is the most powerful phase of the entire lunar cycle. Many Witches find that the day of the Full Moon is the most magically potent day of the month, and may save spellwork related to particularly important goals for this occasion. Any and all magical purposes are favored during a Full Moon ritual.

Waning Moon: This is the time to release the energy of outward action, and align with the energy of inward reflection. Eliminating negative energies and experiences is the predominant magical goal now, so spellwork aimed at overcoming obstacles, resolving conflicts, and removing causes of illness is appropriate.

Dark Moon: In the days just before the New Moon, many Witches refrain from actively working magic, choosing instead to refresh their energy for the next waxing phase. However, many others find the Dark Moon to be the best time for magic related to closure, or bringing things full circle. There is a destructive potential to the energy now that can be harnessed for releasing any karmic patterns that crop up again and again in your life, such as those related to lack, abandonment, betrayal, etc.

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