Saturday, May 30, 2020


Here are some ideas on how to help you ground yourself! Feel free to use these if you'd like. 

1. Go on a walk or do anything physical. This is hands down, one of my favorite ways to reconnect with myself and stay grounded! Exercise is great because you focus and connect with your physical body while expending excess energy at the same time.

2. Have sex. Intimacy not only brings you close to your partner, but it also brings you into the present moment. This (and most physical activities) releases endorphins — AKA the natural pain reliever! So you will get wind up feeling not only grounded but ready to take on what’s next. 

3. Soak your feet in warm water. How good does that sound right now? I may have to hop in on this action. Add some Epsom salts, Himalayan sea salt, and/or a couple of drops of essential oils to really amp things up.

4. Walk outside barefoot. I’m serious — get out there! When is the last time you put your feet in the grass and really felt the earth? When we were kids, we did this all the time. And weren’t we much more grounded back then? So kick off your shoes and talk a walk outside.

5. Do anything outside. While you’re out there, feeling the grass beneath your toes, just stay. The warmth of the sun, the fresh air, nature… it all adds up to a pretty grounded spirit. So, sit in the sun. Or, grab a hammock. If you can do yoga outside – even better!

6. Hug a tree. This is literally taking nature by the trunk and saying — give me your energy! And hey, it works. Take a few deep breaths and just be with the earth. Allow yourself to connect with the earth.

7. Get gardening. This is the same concept of walking barefoot on the earth — so you have to ditch those garden gloves and put your hands in the dirt. It also gets you active and moving, just like cleaning, so your brain becomes more engaged and grounded. 

8. Meditate. Meditation is wonderful for just about anything, and spiritual grounding is no exception. To start, sit upright in a comfy chair with your feet planted on the floor (this part is important for grounding). Imagine your feet have roots (like a tree) and are anchoring themselves deep into the earth. Breathe and allow yourself to be balanced. 

I hope this was helpful! Remember to do your research, practice safe witchcraft & enjoy yourself! Blessed Be! 

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