Saturday, May 9, 2020



I personally am currently working with Hekate. She is the bringer of power and healing. Hekate is considered the Witch Mother, she lights the path of those who follow her as well as protect them. She is the guide between worlds and the protector of those discarded by society. Hekate’s strong benevolence towards women extends to their children in her role as Kourotrophos, Guardian of Children. Ancient mothers would adorn their offspring with sacred cords that protected them from harm. In our modern times, Hekate’s power as a protector of the vulnerable extends to all those marginalized by the powerful. 

I have personally reached out to her to see if she would like to work with me through ritual. In the following few weeks, I had received many signs that she was interested. Soon after I reached out once more & asked if it was truly Hekate to be sure & safe. I cast a protection circle & stated that only positive energy, vibes & entities may enter. 

Since then I have been giving her offerings of incense & dried lavender buds in a little ceramic knick-knack jar. Since she appreciates being given offerings at a crossroads I lid two small pieces of uncooked spaghetti in a cross shape in substitution. It seemed to me that she appreciated the creativity! Another night I had resigned myself to skipping an offering due to being tired. As I sat on my bed I saw a bunch of Hekate related things. I then saw something about not wanting to annoy her & I immediately got up to give her some incense & lavender. I immediately felt a different vibe within my room & sighed in relief. 

Feel free to tell some stories about your workings with deities! Comment about which ones you might like to work with or ask some questions! 

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